Update Note : Teleportify

240430 1.0.6 LATEST UPDATE

  • Play Standalone Crash Issue Has Fixed.

  • Duplicating Teleport BP in Level Bug Fixed. (UE 5.1 has some engine bugs. Suggest you to use Latest Engine Version.)

240419 1.0.5 UPDATE

  • Teleport Character Function's parameter class has been changed [ "ACharacter" -> "APawn" ]

  • Now supports VR (Tested in Occulus Meta Quest 2)

240417 1.0.4 UPDATE

  • Windows Build File Issue Fixed. ( Issue Description : When opened packaged exe., Black screen and Not responding.)

240324 1.0.3 UPDATE

  • Delegate for "Teleportify_Base" Actor Included.

240224 1.0.2 UPDATE

  • Additional Teleporter Niagara System Included.

  • Overall System Logic Updated.

  • Names of few Variables & Category Changed.

  • Effect Setting Options Added.

  • NativeTeleportifyActor.h C++ class added for further extend of system (※ Only for Internal logic in code ).

  • FX Related Files Path had been changed. (*To avoid complexity.)

Last updated